Monitoring, Decontamination and Reception Centers
Evacuation Routes
Should an emergency at Diablo Canyon occur that requires evacuations, U.S. Highway 101 and State Highway 1 are the primary evacuation routes out of the EPZ. State highways and local roads can be used to reach U.S. Highway 101 and State Highway 1. The California Highway Patrol, local law enforcement, and other response agencies will direct traffic along these routes. The Emergency Planning Zone map shows the primary evacuation routes. Local radio and television stations will provide information about which evacuation routes to use. For more information on what do to if you are directed to evacuate, visit our evacuation page.
Where to go if you are directed to evacuate
Go to the home of a friend or relative outside the area affected. If this is not possible, go to one of the Monitoring, Decontamination and Reception Centers announced on local radio and television stations.
A Monitoring, Decontamination and Reception Center is a location where people can be monitored for contamination, receive assistance in decontamination (if applicable) and be registered by County and American Red Cross personnel. Shelter may be provided at the Reception Center or at a nearby location, such as a high school gymnasium.
To the south of the EPZ, the Central Coast New Tech High School at Nipomo High School is designated as a Monitoring, Decontamination and Reception Center.
To the north of the EPZ, Camp Roberts is the designated Monitoring, Decontamination and Reception Center.
Listen to local radio and television stations for specific information regarding these centers. Assistance with locating family members will be available at these centers. Service animals are welcome.
Contact Us
The County Office of Emergency Services (OES)
1055 Monterey Street D430
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
County OES Business Line: 805-781-5678
County OES Business Email: